The art of God

The treasure that prevails is the One that never fails which is the art of the One who made and created

The one I didn’t know, that I knew, that knew everything about me before I knew Him.

I wanna know Jesus, I know Him but I keep getting to know Him everyday.

And as I let all of myself to God, I get to see all of God in my life.

The beginning, the middle and many more to come.

Many more to see and tell but for now just listen and trust.

66 books in one, cover to back and you see that the art is that the learning is never ending.

You’ll see, that nothing is His fault for He loves you more than you know.

You’ll see, as time flies by God will shape the works in your life.

And you’ll begin to see, that all the things in your life work together to shape your character and purpose through God and the testimonial proof that He exists.

Finding calm in the chaos

“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:39‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When the time of day became night, Jesus encouraged the disciples to cross over the other side of the waters. They left the multitude, and the disciples took Jesus along in the boat while there were other boats surrounding them. And so a windstorm began to arise and the waves filled the boat and went rapidly.

While it begun to fill up with water, the disciples got scared real quickly and woke up Jesus who was resting and on a boat. Little did they know Jesus always had a plan in mind.

Read the verse at the top again.

There we go, hey I’m not being lazy I’m just telling you to read something that Jesus has done. I love how the earth even listens to Him, that’s unbelievable but its not impossible. My point is that Jesus will bring the calm out of the storm that we go through.

Jesus is a source of peace. He is always there.

Then He asked them why are they scared? And they didn’t not enough faith? The simple solution to this to just TRUST GOD no matter what conditions you are in or going through.

Surely its incredibly difficult and maybe confronting to just trust when you’re uncertain, in doubt, sick or anything but if you trust in Him, He will provide and help you, He will comfort you.

The disciples could not believe their eyes that even the wind and sea obeyed Jesus.

And you see here that He will always bring a way when their seems to be no way. When things are spoken in Jesus’ name with belief and trust, you’ll be so glad ; but I do assure you now that just because you have Jesus, it doesn’t mean you’ll have your life together but its so worth it.

A poem on mental illness and God

Thoughts and feelings and words can deceive. It can be a curse but it could also be a blessing. You know what is also deceiving?

Thinking you’re stuck in a dark cave but you’re the fire that will never burn out.

Thinking you’re drowning but you just need solitude.

Thinking you’re blank when you are the brightest colour.

Thinking you’re depressed when you’re the strongest.

Thinking you’re anxious when you’re the sweetest.

But you see, excuses excuses. These are real problems. You see you’re worthy. You’re worthy to God, the creator and designer of this earth.

But you see when everyday may feel repetitive, start to pray and worship.

And when you try so hard, lay it down for God because He will make you thankful.

And when you feel alone, you aren’t for God is always with you.

And if life seems hard, God is still good.

And if it seems harder, just know that God is bigger and just lean on Him.

Just remember that God provides and loves.

Just remember the character of God.

Just remember the people in your life.

Just remember that its okay to reach out for help.

And lastly just know you’re valued and God will protect you if you trust in Him

Washing another’s feet

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

‭‭John‬ ‭13:14-15‬ ‭

I don’t know about you but that is definitely an act of commitment and love… Washing feet? But do you get my point? Jesus set an example of what we could be and do for one another; ‘A leader with a servant heart’.

The example is shown to serve and love others. In the act of washing another’s feet in John 13, there is a sense of togetherness and being there for one another.

Peter, one of Jesus disciples was the one who would refuse to get his feet cleaned and this was the one that denies Jesus three times but still could be forgiven. Anyway Jesus told Peter that if he wouldn’t wash his feet, there would be no part with Him. Peter would not understand at first but he would in the future tense. Maybe.

And Jesus humbled Himself to do the work that a servant would do.

Food for thought:

Does this maybe challenge you to be a blessing to others? Not just others but also people that believe.

If you feel like the Holy Spirit is telling you to do something, follow that instinct because that is the will of God.

Swallowing our sense of pride can be hard sometimes but its better sometimes to take the focus off ourselves and bring love to others through Jesus Christ.

Pray for opportunity

Heaven in your presence

Moments and opportunities have I have taken for granted? A trillion times more but God still loves me.

A moment with you feels like light over me and it changes, makes me want to draw closer to Him.

A brief moment with God changes everything. Making me want to love, forgive, give more. But the trick is you gotta give your thoughts up to focus on Christ.

If a moment in your presence feels like heaven? What would it be like eternally?

I’m constantly filled with questions and heaven seems to feel like home.

Poem on a God that provides

I’m so thankful for a God that provides. He brings me out of the dark shadows to light up this earth. He weaves in hope. And shows faith in action and words.

I’m so thankful for how resourceful He is and how much I mean to Him. I love how He doesn’t have favourites and He loves all, bringing them out of a path but not forceful.

He’s merciful, He cares for us and He forgives us so much. And no matter what state you are in, He still provides.

His unconditional love, He would not spare His son, because His son died for us so we know that Jesus is Lord all along.

Don’t be disheartened

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In this verse, Paul the Apostle encouraged Timothy to be an example of other Christians; Followers of Jesus Christ. Timothy is a young leader of faith in his time because a lot of church leaders in those days were old. Connecting to the age of being young and being an influence was looked down upon. Often young age can be seen as least experienced, having lack of something and not enough maturity when actually it can gained in Christ.

Wow, Timothy seems like a real go-getter. Regardless of age or how early we are in our faith, we should be encouraged to not let anyone look down on us.

The thing I love about God is that He sees our hearts not our position. He wants us to grow closer in a relationship with Him. When we step up in faith and trust Him, we have room to grow because with God we won’t lack.


See you, see me here in an art gallery. Blank and needing new art brought to life. God is the artist and I am the canvas. He used a base and it was my heart and spirit. Using the paintbrush to splash colours of grey and fruits. He used the symbol of the cross to bring it all together. Colours blending and building composition; representing art. A beautiful masterpiece built inside us to realise how special we are to God

Walk in faith without a doubt

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?””-Matthew‬ ‭14:31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

In the gospel of Matthew 14:22-34 is the story of Jesus walking on water and wanting Peter to join Him. But before I start this, it starts in verse 22 where Jesus divides Himself from the crowd and disciples for solitude with God out at a mountain (Matthew 14:23) and leaves the disciples out in the boat alone.

And when He separated Himself from the disciples, the boat came out to the waters and departed from land. The day became darker and the weather got windy. The disciples saw Jesus out and floating on water, so filled with question and shocked but the Lord made a command in verse 27 to not be afraid because it is He and to rejoice.

It doesn’t get to the best part yet, and just like Peter when we need proof of faith its already there and its provided and ready for us.

Jesus encouraged peter to follow Him and walk on the water. Peter took direction but the conditions got difficult; And he got more afraid and cried out to the Lord. He reached out a hand to peter and said “O you of little faith, why do you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)

There are often times where stumbling can easily be done when we lose focus but its important to recognise the power of Jesus. We all have our downfalls and weaknesses but shall we let our faith cross waters without doubt? Have faith so deep that when you fall; you’ll still be able to rejoice!

Even in the worst of circumstances, He is still there all along, we just need to reach out to Him because He has always provided for us. And the disciples witnessed this happening and worshipped Jesus. (Hebrews 11:6)